Ajuga reptans NS7536 07June2019 PW

Ajuga reptans NS7536 07June2019 PW

 It is clear in this photograph, that in the right conditions it spreads readily by stolons.   Ajuga reptans NS7845 25May2020 MP

It is clear in this photograph, that in the right conditions it spreads readily by stolons.

Ajuga reptans NS7845 25May2020 MP

 Showing the leaves.   Ajuga reptans 16Oct2017 NT0212 MP

Showing the leaves.

Ajuga reptans 16Oct2017 NT0212 MP

  Ajuga reptans NS7536 07June2019 PW

Ajuga reptans NS7536 07June2019 PW

  Ajuga reptans NS7848 15May2016 MP

Ajuga reptans NS7848 15May2016 MP