Symphoricarpos albus NS5959 20Sep2017 PW

Symphoricarpos albus NS5959 20Sep2017 PW

  Symphoricarpos albus NS5959 20Sep2017 PW

Symphoricarpos albus NS5959 20Sep2017 PW

 The leaves are opposite, with small stipules and an orange twig.   Symphoricarpos albus NS5959 20Sep2017 PW

The leaves are opposite, with small stipules and an orange twig.

Symphoricarpos albus NS5959 20Sep2017 PW

  Symphoricarpos albus NS 8543 23Sep2018 PW

Symphoricarpos albus NS 8543 23Sep2018 PW

 The flowers are tiny and below the leaves.   Symphoricarpos albus NS 8543 23Sep2018 PW

The flowers are tiny and below the leaves.

Symphoricarpos albus NS 8543 23Sep2018 PW

  Symphoricarpos albus NS 8543 23Sep2018 PW

Symphoricarpos albus NS 8543 23Sep2018 PW

Hybrid with red berries

Hybrid with red berries

Symphoricarpos x chenaultii NS5667 18Nov2018 PT